Click on group titles for flyers!
Anger Management Group (In Person) – Currently Running!
Anger Management meets every Saturday morning at 9:00 am for an hour. This group is for Adults (18+) who are employed, do not have active addiction, and have not had prior hospitalizations. The cost for group is $50.00/week. Necessary documentation for the courts is available at an additional fee.
“For Us, By Us” African American Empowerment Group (Virtual)
This group is for African American adolescent men, to discuss concerns, issues that affect their community. The goal is for the group to reach their full potential.
Girls Empowerment Group 9-13 (Virtual)
This group is designed to develop and strengthen their positive sense of self. Also, learn the tools necessary to help manage emotions, stress, and social skills. Each group meet on alternate Saturdays @11:30AM. Girls Empowerment ages 9-13.
Girls Empowerment Group 14-18 (Virtual)
This group is designed to develop and strengthen their positive sense of self. Also, learn the tools necessary to help manage emotions, stress, and social skills. Each group meet on alternate Saturdays @11:30AM. Girls Empowerment ages 14-18.
High School Adolescent Open Process Group (Virtual)
This group is a safe space to discuss current life stress and learn new & different ways to cope. This group meets every Monday at 6pm. ($50 per session)
Young Adult Open Process Group (Virtual)
This group is a designed to be a safe space to discuss current life stress and learn new and different ways to cope. Ideal for young adults dealing with anxiety, depression, or other mental health challenges. Currently accepting new clients between the ages of 18-25, to guarantee peer feedback. ($50/week, every Wednesday.)
Adult ADHD/Autism/Neurodivergence Class (Looking to Start Up!!)
This group is looking to start up soon! This group was designed by our practice’s owner to help inform people who were recently diagnosed or would like to learn more about how to help yourself and those who you love! This is a safe space to identify your traits, understand and accept more about yourself, improve your communication with others, etc. ($50/week)
“It’s a Black Girl Thing” African American Empowerment Group (Looking to Start Up!!)
This group is looking to start up soon! This group was designed to empower and help support self esteem for African American teenager girls. Currently accepting new clients between the ages of 12-18 years old. ($50/week)
“It’s a Black Woman Thing” Let’s Support Each Other (Looking to Start Up!!)
This group is looking to start up soon! This group was designed to empower and help African American women support each other through their hardships. Currently accepting new clients 18+ years old. ($50/week)
African American Dad Group (Looking to Start Up!!)
This group is looking to start up soon! This group was designed to dedicate to having conversations in support of African American dads! ($50/week)